Comics & Drawings

Assorted Comics and Drawings (2018-2022)

Cafe Ribbit Recipes (2021-2022)

Cafe Ribbit is Jack's blog—a fictitious cafe that shares original food recipes and man-on-the-street podcast interviews. Jack sources the recipes from his podcast listeners and creates final illustrated versions of them. Each recipe includes a photograph of the dish and a silly drawing of frogs cooking or eating.

And In Here (2017-2018)

And In Here was a bi-weekly comic strip about Jack trying to sell his photographs to his parents in an art gallery, well...that was Jack's pitch to entice people. It's really a collection of out of context conversations between an art school student (Jack) and his mother as he tries to become an independent adult and recognized artist. 


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Copyright 2023-2024 - Cafe Ribbit, John Lundquist LLC, Jack Lundquist
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